


浏览次数: 发布时间:2012-06-07

主题: 小儿眼科&斜视 主讲人: Dr. Shuan Dai Consultant Ophthalmologist, Auckland District Health Board & University of Auckland Visiting Ophthalmologist, Blind & Low Vision Network of New Zealand 特邀专家: 卢海

赵军阳 主持人: 焦永红 时间: 2012年7月11日

下午3:00-5:30PM 地点: 东交民巷1号


行政楼6层第一会议室(601) 主讲人简介: 2011 till present: Board of Chairmen, Columba Surgical Center, Ascot Hospital, Auckland 2008 till present: Visiting Ophthalmologist, Blind & Low Vision Network NZ 2005 till present: Consultant Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Auckland District Health Board, Greenlane Clinical Center & Starship Children’s Health & University of Auckland 2005 till present: Director, Eye Doctors, Ascot Hospital 会议日程: 3:00-3:30: Dr. Shuan Dai Topic: New surgical techniques for management of complex strabismus Case 1 Duane syndrome Case 2 third nerve palsy Case 3 & 4: oblique palsy with larger torsion (unilateral & bilateral cases) 3:30-4:00: Dr. Shuan Dai Topic: Retcam for ROP telemedicine 4:00-4:30: Dr. Jun-Yang Zhao Topic: retinoblastoma in china 4:30-5:00: Dr. Hai Lu Topic: Minimalsurgery in treatment of eye disease in children 5:00-5:30: Dr. Shuan Dai Topic: Practical tips in diagnosis & investigation and surgical management of childhood nystagmus 5:00-5:30: Discussion